IMTA Junior Cycle Pi Quiz

We had two teams take part in the IMTA Junior Cycle PI Quiz, which took place on Pi Day, March 14th in Cólaiste Bhaile Chláir. Well done to our teams who put in a solid performance on the day and represented the school in an exemplary manner. The teams included 3rd year students Hugh Reddington, Joseph Murray, Chloe Costello, Sally Martyn, Ciaran Canny, Abbey Styron, Sean Forde and Meabh Joyce. We are proud of you all and encouraged by your achievement.  See pictures below.

We are looking forward to May 16th  which will see 90 of our 1st and 2nd Year Maths students complete the Gauss International Maths Contest. The Gauss contest introduces students to a broader perspective of mathematics in a fun, accessible way. Intriguing problems and a multiple-choice format make the Gauss contests a wonderful opportunity for all participants to grow their interest in and get curious about the power of maths.

We wish all our students a productive and numerate term.