LCA- Leaving Cert Applied


The Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) is a two year Leaving Certificate available to students who wish to follow a practical Leaving Certificate programme with a vocational focus on the world of work and life-long learning. Work experience is a significant component of the programme and students get to sample a range of jobs and get first-hand experience of the world of work.

The learning experiences are active and practical where students apply their knowledge, skills and experience to real life situations in the school, in the workplace and in the wider community.

The programme provides a wealth of opportunities which enhance the self-esteem and confidence of students. There is less emphasis on the final examinations as course work is essential throughout the two years and students’ gain ‘credits’ as they go along. Students’ work and skill development is assessed in different ways including interviews, written, oral and practical components.

What are ‘Credits’?

62 credits 31%ongoing attendance, class work and assignments
70 credits35%7 student Tasks (Project Work)
68 credits34%7 Final Examinations
Total:200 Credits:100%

Four times throughout the two years students get a statement of their results from the State Examinations Commission.

In this way they experience regular feedback on their success and achievement. As students complete and submit their Leaving Certificate Applied course work they are awarded what are called ‘credits’.

There are 200 credits available in total.

How is the Leaving Certificate Applied awarded?

The leaving Certificate Applied is awarded at three levels:

Pass120-139 Credits(60-69%)
Merit140-169 Credits(70-84%)
Distinction170-200 Credits(85-100%)

Students who accumulate fewer than 120 credits receive a Record of Experience.

A student can proceed to further education through pursuing Post Leaving Certificate Courses, which are available in Colleges of Further Education. These courses lead to qualifications, which are awarded by the QQI. Direct Access to Third Level Education through the CAO system is not possible immediately on completion of the Leaving Certificate Applied.

However, students who complete the course and progress on to a QQI Level Five Award can become eligible for admission to some third level courses in the Institutes of Technology.

A Leaving Certificate Applied student can enter an apprenticeship course and is also qualified to apply for direct employment.

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