Board of Management

The Board of Management consists of the Principal of the school together with ten members nominated as follows:

The Board of Management concerns itself with all matters pertaining to school policy: education policy, finance, premises and equipment, selection and appointment of staff, and religious worship and instruction (Deed of Trust for Community Schools, section 14&15 of the Education Act 1998).

Board of Management
Mr Declan QuinnSecretary to B.O.M.
Mr Jarlath Mc DonaghGRETB NomineeChairperson
Mr Tomás O’NídhGRETB Nominee
Ms Eileen DelaneyGRETB Nominee
Sr. Mary CorrCEIST Nominee
Ms Fiona GallagherCEIST Nominee
Mr Louie O’MalleyCEIST Nominee
Ms Avril GreeneParents Nominee
Ms Frances HarteParents Nominee
Ms Sandra HigginsStaff Nominee
Ms Ann FallonStaff Nominee

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