Welcome to our New 1st Years on Monday 27th Aug @ 9:00 am
We are looking forward to welcoming our First Years on Monday, the 27th of August to begin a new chapter in their education. This will comprise of an induction morning until 1:15 pm. Their year head, Mr McGagh, our Pastoral Care team and your child’s tutor, Ms Gilmore (1A) or Ms Canny(1B) will be on hand to deal with any worries or fears your child might have. As buses are not running on the 27th, please drop and collect your son/daughter before 9:00 am and at 1:15 pm outside the school’s gates.
You will shortly receive a text with a Username and Password for our Online VSWare system. Please keep these details safe and private. Our VSWare system will allow you access to your child’s records, view their timetable, attendance, Behaviour and Term Reports. Please watch this 4 minute video for a clear explanation of how this works. Our VSWare portal is accessed via our website here. If you have any problems, please email vsware@dunmorecs.ie for help.
NB:- If you have more than one child in the school, there will be arrows under your child’s photo to allow you to move between each of your children. (To view the timetable you need to choose a date when the school is open, e.g. 27th August.)
We understand that moving from primary to post-primary can be a daunting time for both student and parents. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns. However, this year we are introducing a school-based mentoring programme called “Foróige’s Big Brother/Big Sister school Programme. Our incoming 1st years will be matched with a senior cycle student with the aim of developing a friendly and positive relationship that will not only support the first year student but will ultimately benefit both the junior and senior students involved. This, along with our Belonging+ Programme and our new tutor system, will make the transition as seamless and enjoyable as possible for your child.