The Board of Management, having taken into account consultation with staff, consideration of the needs of students and parents and the organisational needs of the school, has agreed on the following arrangements and calendar for the year 2023/2024.
DCS operates a 1 hour timetable with the school day starting at 9 am sharp and 6 x 1 hr class periods a day, and 4 x 1hr on a Friday. Break and lunch are 15 minutes and 35 minutes long respectively, so the school day finishes at 3:50 Monday to Thursday and 1:15 on Fridays.
Class: Start Time: Finish Time:
Class 1: 9:00 10:00
Class 2: 10:00 11:00
* Break: 11:00 11:15
Class 3: 11:15 12:15
Class 4: 12:15 13:15
* Lunch: 13:15 13:50
Class 5: 13:50 14:50
Class 6: 14:50 15:50
Name Start Date End Date
Mid-Term Break Saturday 28th October Sunday 5th November
Christmas Holidays Saturday 23rd December Sunday 7th January
St. Brigids Day Monday 5th February
Mock-Exams Friday 2nd February Friday 9th February
Mid-Term Break Saturday 10th February Sunday 18th February
March Bank Holiday Monday 18th March
Easter Holidays Saturday 23rd March Sunday 7th April
May Bank Holiday Monday 6th May
Summer Holidays Friday 31st May
State Exams Wednesday 5th June Wednesday 27th June
Class Day Month Date Year
6th Years Thursday October 26th 2023
3rd Years Wednesday November 8th 2023
5th/TY Tuesday December 12th 2023
2nd Years Thursday January 11th 2024
1st Year Monday January 22nd 2024
*NOTE: Please keep informed of your child’s progress via VSWare and our detailed 10-20-30 week reporting. Please feel free to contact the office to organise a callback if you wish to speak with a teacher about your child.
Day Date Year Start Finish
Friday August 25th 1st Year 09:00 01:15
Monday August 28th 1st & 6th Years 09:00 15:50
Tuesday August 29th 1st, 3rd & 6th Years 09:00 15:50
Wednesday August 30th 1st, 3rd, 5th & 6th Years 09:00 15:50
Thursday August 31st 2nd, 3rd. 5th & 6th Years 09:00 15:50
Friday September 1st 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th Yrs & TY 09:00 15:50
Barrack St, Abbeyland South
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