Jigsaw Support Line

The Jigsaw Support Line is now up and running on freefone 1800 JIGSAW (544 729). This new initiative, developed as part of Jigsaw’s Covid – 19 response, aims to provide free, relevant and accessible mental health support, education, advice and guidance to young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and/or their parents/concerned others who are resident in the Republic of Ireland.

Alongside the Support Line, we are also offering an inbound SMS and email service, both operated by a designated group of Jigsaw Clinicians. Both additional offerings aim to give all potential users various options to get in touch and initiate a request for a return call from a Jigsaw Clinician.

Contact details and opening hours:

1.      1800 JIGSAW (544729)    Opening hours: Monday to Friday 1pm- 5pm.

2.      SMS 086 180 3880.           Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

3.     Email  help@jigsaw.ie.     Opening hours:Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

If you have any questions about any of this or the Jigsaw Online offerings for young people, parents & guardians and people working with young people, please don’t hesitate to reach out.