Good luck to Our TY CANSAT Finalists today

Good luck to our transition year team who compete in the national finals of CANSAT in Birr Castle today, Friday 15th. The competition is run in conjunction with European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO), European Space Agency (ESA), Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Cork Electronics Industry Association (CEIA) and Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT).

Their mission is to place their project into a rocket, to measure air temperature, air pressure, humidity and soil temperature. While constantly receiving data back to a laptop and tracking their project via GPS as it returns safely back to Earth using a parachute they designed and made themselves.

Photos and videos of the event will be shared on the teams Facebook page and snapchat account.

Team Facebook page:

Snapchat username: can-struction

Please follow them today to help them in their mission.