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Dunmore CS 6 km Fun Walk/Run 2018

Our Annual Parents Council run/walk will take place next Thursday, the 15th March. (Provisional start time of 12:00) Registration for all parents & guests will take place before the race in the sports hall (€5/adult). All guests (past students/past parents/visiting schools) who wish to run or walk can register on the day.

There will be prizes on the day for:

  • the first male & female home from each year group,
  • the first mother or father home
  • the first male/female teacher home
  • and there will be an overall award for the first female & male home
  • award for the most sponsorship collected

If you would prefer to walk, we would also be delighted if you would join us for the lovely scenic 6km route.

There will be refreshments in the sports hall afterwards. Thanks to everyone who has sold a sponsorship card. It is really appreciated. If you still have to return the card, please do so on Monday.

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