Darkness into Light Walk 2021

A huge thank you to everyone that contributed and donated to our Darkness into Light fundraiser. The resheduled walk took place recently and we were delighted to be able to present a cheque for €2890 to Joe Burke from Pieta House on Friday the 28th May. 

Special thanks to Laura McGrath for her support in the organisation of the event, to the students and parents who joined us for the walk and thanks to Howleys, Egans and Elle’s Daybreak for their kind support/sponsorship of refreshments etc.

We hope that next year, we will be able to invite you all to join us on the morning and make it an annual fundraiser for Pieta House.

If you wish to donate, you can still do so via the following link: https://www.darknessintolight.ie/fundraisers/DunmoreCS