Break the SEAL Finalists 2020
We are delighted to announce that three of our Transition Year History Students are in the final of Break the Seal Programme this year. The aim of the programme is to support history students as they complete a Research Study Report by connecting them with the important archives held at the James Hardiman Library at NUIG. Students must research and complete an essay on an event or person in history. The completed RSR has a specific format and guidelines to follow. During the year there was a lot of hard work and time involved in this project and all students should be very proud of their work. Out of twenty schools involved and a shortlist of sixteen finalists, we have three students from Dunmore Community School who have made it to the final competition. Congratulations to our finalists Laura Turner, Jessica Mc Donagh and Amy Mc Connell Canny.
Upon completion of their RSR all students are awarded the Breaking the SEAL Digital Badge. They will also have their research synopsis published in the Journal of Second Level Research. Students who have their research published are also eligible to apply for a scholarship to attend the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit 2020.
I would like to sincerely thank Ms. Anne Tierney, President of the Old Tuam Historical Society for her guidance and support to all involved. Five students work will also be published in JOTS magazine which will issue later this year.
Break the Seal finals will take place virtually on Monday the 27th of July. Parents, staff and students are welcome to attend the virtual finals.
History teachers, Ms. Brogan and Ms. McHugh are very proud of their students and are delighted to have worked with them on this project. TY Co-ordinator and Year Head Ms. Scarry is delighted for them on their achievements and wishes them the best of luck in the finals.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish our students all the best for the final competition and congratulate them on this wonderful achievement. Their work will now take its place in History!!