3rd & 6th Christmas Reports

Our 3rd & 6th year Christmas Reports are now available online by logging in at dunmorecs.vsware.ie with your username and password. You also have the option of downloading a word version of the report by clicking at the top right of the online report.  If you have any problems please email vsware@dunmorecs.ie for help.  Please call the office should you need the password sent out again. NB:- If you have more than 1 child in the school, there will be arrows under your child’s photo to allow you to move between each of your children. 

Please note our 1st, 2nd and 5th year students are currently sitting their Christmas Tests, so their reports won’t be available until the 15th Jan approx. Our TY reports will be available online at the end of January/early February as they are sitting Half-Year exams towards the end of Jan.